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Friendly Organic Store

Our farm is a second-generation organic farm that was our parents,
Mark & Renée Elliott’s dream to offer the best and healthiest range of organic foods available, promote health in the community and bring a sense of discovery and adventure into food shopping.

Eat More Healthfully.

Obtaining the recommended daily fruits
and vegetables.

We Have Reputation.

We have been growing organic produce for
customers since 1976.

Fresh & Pesticide Free.

We deliver organic pesticide-free and
sustainably-grown produce.

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Reach for a healthier you

Eat clean and green.

Our farm is a second-generation organic farm that was our parents,
Mark & Renée Elliott’s dream to offer the best and healthiest range of organic foods available, promote health in the community and bring a sense of discovery and adventure into food shopping.

Why customer love us ?

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